quiX G5
The quiX G5 is not only equipped with the G5 technology, but is also smaller than its predecessor. With their combination of standard shell and selectable earmolds, quiX hearing systems are ready to use in no time. The quiX sits directly in the auditory canal, which makes it virtually invisible when worn. The position in the ear makes quiX ideal for spectacle wearers.
Standard Equipment
▸ CIC with standard housing
▸ Battery size 10
▸ Components as small as possible
▸ Receiver with dual-chamber technology
▸ Level-dependent signal tones/melodies

✔ Automatic functions
✔ Signal Processing
✔ Noise Manager
✔ Frequency & Dynamic concepts
✔ Technical features
✔ Wireless

For more information on the Audio Service hearing aids please visit the Audio Service WEBSITE or CONTACT US directly.